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Version: 5.x

TradeTrust V4 schema

TradeTrust V4 schema is currently in its beta phase. This version aligns more closely with the W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) data model, enhancing interoperability and standardization for verifiable documents.

The schema can be found here.

To explain the TradeTrust document schema, we will use a sample verifiable document as an example.

Sample Document Structure

Here is a basic example of a TradeTrust V4 verifiable document in JSON format:

"@context": [
"type": [
"validFrom": "2021-03-08T12:00:00+08:00",
"issuer": {
"id": "did:ethr:0xE94E4f16ad40ADc90C29Dc85b42F1213E034947C",
"type": "TradeTrustIssuer",
"name": "My Own Company Pte Ltd",
"identityProof": {
// Note the new identityProofType
"identityProofType": "IDVC",
"identifier": "My Own Company Pte Ltd",
"identityVC": {
"type": "TradeTrustIdentityVC",
// This is where you should put your IDVC data
"data": {
"@context": [
"id": "<CREDENTIAL_ID>",
"type": [
"issuer": "<ISSUER>",
"credentialSubject": {
"uen": "198801234E",
"companyname": "My Own Company Pte Ltd",
"type": [
"id": "did:ethr:0xE94E4f16ad40ADc90C29Dc85b42F1213E034947C"
"network": {
"chain": "sepolia",
"chainId": "11155111"
"credentialStatus": {
"type": "TradeTrustCredentialStatus",
"credentialStatusType": "NONE"
"renderMethod": {
"type": "TradeTrustRenderMethod",
"renderMethodType": "EMBEDDED_RENDERER",
"name": "INVOICE",
"url": ""
"credentialSubject": {
"name": "Document",
"id": "did:ethr:0xE94E4f16ad40ADc90C29Dc85b42F1213E034947C",
"date": "2018-02-21",

Key Fields in the Schema

Key fields to note:

  • @context
  • issuer
  • network
  • renderMethod
  • credentialSubject
  • credentialStatus


The @context property is introduced as per the W3C VC data model to allow the issuer to map short-form aliases to the URIs required by specific verifiable credentials and presentations.

TradeTrust has released a beta extension to W3C credentials context, which can be accessed here.


In TradeTrust Schema V4, there will be a single named issuer conforming to one of the three issuer's identity methods: IDVC, DNS-TXT, and DNS-DID.


The network key is used to determine the network on which the document is issued. It includes the following keys:

  • chain: The type of blockchain on which the document is issued/minted.
  • chainId: The value of the network used to connect to the blockchain.


This key determines the rendering method of the document. It specifies how the document should be displayed or presented.


The credentialSubject field describes the claims about the subject of the credential, conforming to the W3C VC data model. This field contains information about the entity that the credential is issued to.


The credentialStatus field describes the status of the document. The credentialStatus.credentialStatusType can be one of the following:

  • NONE: No status information.
  • OCSP_RESPONDER: Status provided by an OCSP responder.
  • REVOCATION_STORE: Status managed in a document store.
  • TOKEN_REGISTRY: Status tracked by a token registry.


Please note that TradeTrust V4 Schema is currently in its beta phase, and the process may be subject to changes based on feedback and further development.