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Workaround to ‘transaction underpriced’ error on Polygon Mainnet

The "transaction underpriced" error occurs on the Polygon Mainnet when using ethers.js v5, typically when the specified gas price for a transaction is too low.

To resolve this issue, we can use a gas station to estimate the gas price.

Using of gas station to estimate the gas price

import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { parseUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";

export const fetchPolygonGasStationSuggestedPrice = async (): Promise<Overrides> => {
const apiUrl = "";

const suggestedPriceResponse = await fetch(apiUrl);
const suggestedPriceObject = await suggestedPriceResponse.json();
return {
maxPriorityFeePerGas: safeParseUnits(suggestedPriceObject.standard.maxPriorityFee, 9),
maxFeePerGas: safeParseUnits(suggestedPriceObject.standard.maxFee, 9),

const safeParseUnits = (_value: number | string, decimals: number): BigNumber => {
const value = String(_value);
if (!value.match(/^[0-9.]+$/)) {
throw new Error(`invalid gwei value: ${_value}`);

// Break into [ whole, fraction ]
const comps = value.split(".");
if (comps.length === 1) {

// More than 1 decimal point or too many fractional positions
if (comps.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`invalid gwei value: ${_value}`);

// Pad the fraction to 9 decimal places
while (comps[1].length < decimals) {
comps[1] += "0";

// Too many decimals and some non-zero ending, take the ceiling
if (comps[1].length > 9 && !comps[1].substring(9).match(/^0+$/)) {
comps[1] = BigNumber.from(comps[1].substring(0, 9)).add(BigNumber.from(1)).toString();

return parseUnits(`${comps[0]}.${comps[1]}`, decimals);

Example on how we use the gas price when we mint a transferable record

import { TradeTrustToken__factory } from "@tradetrust-tt/token-registry/contracts";
import { TransactionReceipt } from "@ethersproject/abstract-provider";

const tokenRegistryAddress = "<TOKEN_REGISTRY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>";
const owner = "<OWNER_WALLET_ADDRESS>";
const holder = "<HOLDER_WALLET_ADDRESS>";
const tokenId = "<MERKLE_ROOT>";
const signer = "<SIGNER>";

export const issueToTokenRegistry = async (): Promise<TransactionReceipt> => {
const connectedRegistry = TradeTrustToken__factory.connect(tokenRegistryAddress, signer);
const gasFees = await fetchPolygonGasStationSuggestedPrice(); // using the function from the above code snippet

// Previously, we are using the default gas price
// const transaction = await, holder, tokenId);

// Now, we will need to override with the new gas price when interacting with the chain
const transaction = await, holder, tokenId, { ...gasFees });

return transaction.wait();