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Version: 5.x

Workaround to "ZeroGasTransactions RPCs" error on GTN ( Stability ) Networks

When you use methods from document-store that require gas fee such as deploying doucment-store or minting token, you will encounter this error ZeroGasTransactions RPCs do not support transactions where maxFeePerGas/gasPrice is greater than 0. This error occurs because stability networks ( both mainnet and testnet ) don't require any gas fee and we need to mention that the gasPrice is 0.

Example on how we set the gas price to zero when we deploy the document store

import { DocumentStoreFactory } from "@tradetrust-tt/document-store";

// specify zero gas fee for stability network
const gasFees = {
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0,
maxFeePerGas: 0,

const docStoreFactory = new DocumentStoreFactory(wallet);
const transaction = await docStoreFactory.deploy("<DOCUMENT_STORE_NAME>", ownerAddr, {
const receipt = await transaction.deployTransaction.wait();