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Version: 5.x

Supported Network


The blockchain networks listed here are not officially endorsed by IMDA Singapore. Use them at your own discretion.

TradeTrust Supported Networks

ChainChain IdNetwork NameNetworkBlockchainTypeStatus
ETH1homesteadEthereum MainnetEthereumL1 MainnetActive
ETH11155111sepoliaEthereum SepoliaEthereumL1 TestnetActive
MATIC137maticPolygon MainnetPolygonL2 MainnetActive
MATIC80002amoyPolygon AmoyPolygonL2 TestnetActive
FREE101010stabilityStability MainnetStability Protocol-Active
FREE20180427stabilitytestnetStability TestnetStability Protocol-Active
ASTRON1338astronAstron MainnetAstronL2 MainnetActive

Note: Please follow this guide to add Stability into your metamask to use Stability Protocol blockchain with TradeTrust reference implementation.

Community Supported Networks

Disclaimer: Community supported networks are not maintained by TradeTrust and up to the discretion of their network provers.

ChainChain IdNetwork NameNetworkBlockchainTypeStatus
XDC50xdcXDC MainnetXDCL1 MainnetActive
XDC51xdcapothemXDC ApothemXDCL1 TestnetActive