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Version: 5.x

Deploying Token Registry (CLI)

For the current step, you can either opt to use the CLI or Code.

The token registry is a smart contract on the blockchain network that records the ownership and holdership information of a transferable record.

The Token Registry is a Soulbound Token (SBT) tied to the Title Escrow. The SBT implementation is loosely based on OpenZeppelin's implementation of the ERC721 standard. An SBT is used in this case because the token, while can be transferred to the registry, is largely restricted to its designated Title Escrow contracts.

In this guide, we will deploy a token registry smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, sepolia network which is a test network that does not require actual ethers for transactions.


Deploying via TradeTrust CLI

Creating the key file

Create a file key.txt with the private key of your Ethereum wallet and save it in your working directory. If you are using Metamask, you may retrieve this key from the extension in this guide.

Sample key.txt file content (replace with your private key):


Do not share this file with anyone else!

Deploying the token registry

Simply run the following command. You may replace the <registry-name> and <registry-symbol> with a suitable name and symbol (usually 3 characters).

tradetrust deploy token-registry "<registry-name>" <registry-symbol> -n sepolia -f key.txt

This will deploy the token registry on the sepolia network. You should see a similar output when the deployment is successful:

ℹ  info      Deploying token registry My Token Registry
… awaiting Sending transaction to pool
… awaiting Waiting for transaction 0x7e3eea01c42bb10b3160f19c9f55fe3de24ed05abb9d6f4363c80c0d0f1be355 to be mined
✔ success Token registry deployed at 0x8431012Bc040942B59e3C5bf428221eab0b2f723
ℹ info Find more details at

In this case, our contract has been successfully deployed on sepolia at the address 0x8431012Bc040942B59e3C5bf428221eab0b2f723.

Save your token registry address for future reference!

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a token registry.

Next we take a look at configuring the DNS.