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Version: 5.x

Deploying Document Store Smart Contract (CLI)

For the current step, you can either opt to use the CLI or Code.

The document store is a smart contract on the blockchain network that records the issuance and revocation status of TradeTrust documents. In this guide, we will deploy a document store smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, sepolia network, which is a test network that does not require actual ethers for transactions.

In this guide, we will deploy a document store smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, sepolia network which is a test network that does not require actual ethers for transactions


Deploying via TradeTrust CLI

tradetrust deploy document-store "My first document store" --network sepolia --encrypted-wallet-path wallet.json

You will be prompted for the password that you used while creating the wallet. Once your document store smart contract has been successfully deployed, you will see the success message with the document store address.

ℹ  info      Deploying document store My first document store
? Wallet password [hidden]
… awaiting Decrypting Wallet [====================] [100/100%]
ℹ info Wallet successfully decrypted
✔ success Document store My first document store deployed at 0xBBb55Bd1D709955241CAaCb327A765e2b6D69c8b
ℹ info Find more details at

In the example above, the document store address is 0xBBb55Bd1D709955241CAaCb327A765e2b6D69c8b, please do NOT use the Transaction ID.

Save the document store address somewhere. You will need this address later to complete the tutorial.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a document store.

Next we take a look at configuring the DNS.