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Version: 4.x

Wrapping Documents (Code)

For the current step, you can either opt to use the CLI or Code.

Every TradeTrust document has a checksum that provides it a tamper-proof property. At the same time, because the checksum can be used to uniquely identify a document, the checksum (or its derived value) will be signed as evidence of issuance. To compute the checksum, a raw document goes through a process known as wrapping to become a wrapped document. Only then, the document is ready to be signed.

Multiple documents can be wrapped at the same time in a single batch operation, creating a single checksum for the entire batch of raw documents. This is especially useful when using document store on the Ethereum blockchain to lower the transaction cost and time.

In this guide, we will learn how to generate the checksum by running the wrapping process.

We will use the CLI tool to read all the files in the raw-documents folder, wrap them and then output the files in another directory wrapped-documents.

A merkleRoot, a 64 character long string prepended with 0x will be generated.


npm i --save @tradetrust-tt/tradetrust-core


Wrapping a single document

wrapDocument takes in a documents and returns the wrapped document. Upon validating the document against it's schema, the document hash will be computed, to be placed onto the signature section of the wrapped document. The signature is to be used for integrity verification on the later stage of the tutorial.

import { wrapDocument } from "@tradetrust-tt/tradetrust-core";
const document = {
"recipient": {
"name": "John Doe"
"$template": {
"name": "main",
"url": ""
"issuers": [
"id": "did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D",
"name": "Demo Issuer",
"revocation": {
"type": "NONE"
"identityProof": {
"type": "DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D#controller"
} as any;

const wrappedDocument = wrapDocument(document);

// wrappedDocument
"version": "",
"data": {
"recipient": { "name": "2ddbe317-a9d1-4af7-9ff1-085036d83cc8:string:John Doe" },
"$template": {
"name": "338403ee-cbfa-4fdd-9f8f-4535803ca1d2:string:main",
"type": "172389bf-ef30-448f-9153-79475c4a0236:string:EMBEDDED_RENDERER",
"url": "8aaf3835-f1d5-444d-9855-0ec230c271ec:string:"
"issuers": [
"id": "592202e4-bf4b-4826-9639-a9a3fad38314:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D",
"name": "2fb102d4-00b2-4c42-87b9-ab545829a4ab:string:Demo Issuer",
"revocation": { "type": "f86d77af-296a-46d1-8a5e-3af549d03773:string:NONE" },
"identityProof": {
"type": "f8bf7139-6ca5-4678-b2c7-49aa81ac3ccc:string:DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "5bc9f48f-5f85-4a8f-a3c4-2e99ee94b509:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D#controller"
"signature": {
"type": "SHA3MerkleProof",
"targetHash": "d83534d672d96753ea3cb50ac63129782a1c345d98b1141f9fe5449f1c225601",
"proof": [],
"merkleRoot": "d83534d672d96753ea3cb50ac63129782a1c345d98b1141f9fe5449f1c225601"

The signature section includes the fields of targetHash and merkleRoot. signature.targetHash is the generated hash of the document, computed on the algorithm stated on the signature.type. In the scenerio of wrapDocument, signature.merkleRoot will be the same as signature.targetHash.

Batch Wrapping of documents

wrapDocuments takes in an array of documents and returns the wrapped batch. Each document must be valid regarding the version of the schema used (see below) It computes the Merkle root of the batch and appends it to each document. This Merkle root can be published on the blockchain and queried against to prove the provenance of the document issued this way. Alternatively, the Merkle root may be signed by the document issuer's private key, which may be cryptographically verified using the issuer's public key or Ethereum account.

import { wrapDocuments } from "@tradetrust-tt/tradetrust-core";
const document = {
"recipient": {
"name": "John Doe"
"$template": {
"name": "main",
"url": ""
"issuers": [
"id": "did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D",
"name": "Demo Issuer",
"revocation": {
"type": "NONE"
"identityProof": {
"type": "DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D#controller"
} as any;

const inputDocument = [document, { ...document, "Sam Timmy" }];

const wrappedDocuments: WrappedDocument<any>[] = wrapDocuments(inputDocument);
`Same merkleRoot: ${
wrappedDocuments[0].signature.merkleRoot ===
); // Same merkleRoot: true
console.log(`Merkle Root: ${wrappedDocuments[0].signature.merkleRoot}`); // Merkle Root: ab6504f9c8975157fd05e503116e9b706fff758705027d6895599efe7b3fe1b7

// wrappedDocuments
"version": "",
"data": {
"recipient": { "name": "2ddbe317-a9d1-4af7-9ff1-085036d83cc8:string:John Doe" },
"$template": {
"name": "338403ee-cbfa-4fdd-9f8f-4535803ca1d2:string:main",
"type": "172389bf-ef30-448f-9153-79475c4a0236:string:EMBEDDED_RENDERER",
"url": "8aaf3835-f1d5-444d-9855-0ec230c271ec:string:"
"issuers": [
"id": "592202e4-bf4b-4826-9639-a9a3fad38314:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D",
"name": "2fb102d4-00b2-4c42-87b9-ab545829a4ab:string:Demo Issuer",
"revocation": { "type": "f86d77af-296a-46d1-8a5e-3af549d03773:string:NONE" },
"identityProof": {
"type": "f8bf7139-6ca5-4678-b2c7-49aa81ac3ccc:string:DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "5bc9f48f-5f85-4a8f-a3c4-2e99ee94b509:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D#controller"
"signature": {
"type": "SHA3MerkleProof",
"targetHash": "2d4e16ac99f90aa4e95afd173173a438f054060140b0664c3afd568074557c60",
"proof": ["5d340efd7e1d5693c4baa423499684c9be5aafbe3882d482316b444b661d969f"],
"merkleRoot": "ab6504f9c8975157fd05e503116e9b706fff758705027d6895599efe7b3fe1b7"
"version": "",
"data": {
"recipient": { "name": "468a6e8e-a748-4335-8fd7-dcf173ab0385:string:Sam Timmy" },
"$template": {
"name": "051b6d16-e29e-4ada-90f4-c8758148a84b:string:main",
"type": "8767bed1-db53-43cc-b4a3-ba0b3e8ae683:string:EMBEDDED_RENDERER",
"url": "01b783ef-712f-470c-9603-0a3b9e9706c0:string:"
"issuers": [
"id": "1da609ef-86e1-4d1c-a50b-ae0a542e4489:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D",
"name": "49357695-a00b-4927-90db-deb8b9f52b6f:string:Demo Issuer",
"revocation": { "type": "6b711869-14e1-4597-b67d-ef26fb274e37:string:NONE" },
"identityProof": {
"type": "ca004b8b-daa8-4573-b5d3-507230ebb244:string:DNS-DID",
"location": "",
"key": "658c6f26-65af-446e-bd94-10667eff0223:string:did:ethr:0xaCc51f664D647C9928196c4e33D46fd98FDaA91D#controller"
"signature": {
"type": "SHA3MerkleProof",
"targetHash": "5d340efd7e1d5693c4baa423499684c9be5aafbe3882d482316b444b661d969f",
"proof": ["2d4e16ac99f90aa4e95afd173173a438f054060140b0664c3afd568074557c60"],
"merkleRoot": "ab6504f9c8975157fd05e503116e9b706fff758705027d6895599efe7b3fe1b7"

The signature section includes the fields of targetHash and merkleRoot.

signature.targetHash is the generated hash of the document, computed on the algorithm stated on the signature.type.

signature.merkleRoot uses the merkle tree, which combines the signature.targetHash and the signature.proofs to generate a unique hash for the batch.

signature.proofs consists of other signature.targetHash and branch (merkle root) that is required for the verification of signature.merkleRoot.

Note: Though wrapDocument and wrapDocuments are almost identical, there is a slight difference.


  • returns an object.
  • The object is a wrapped document corresponding to the one provided as input.
  • The object has an unique targetHash value based on the input.
  • The object has an unique merkleRoot value which correspond to the targetHash.


  • returns an array.
  • Each element in the array is a wrapped document corresponding to the one provided as input.
  • Each element has an unique targetHash value.
  • Each element will share the same unique merkleRoot value in every batch wrap instance.
  • Similar to wrapDocument, every time you run wrapDocuments, it will create unique hashes (in front of every fields in the data object).

To extract the merkle root, refer to the example below

const merkleRoot: string = wrappedDocument.signature.merkleRoot;

Congratulation! you have successfully wrapped the documents, next lets see how we can sign the documents to 'issue' it.