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Version: 5.x

Data File

After setting up your own config file for TradeTrust Creator, you can now log in to access the create and issue functionalities. Upon picking a template, you will notice that there is an Upload Data File button.

Upload Data file

The purpose of this upload button is to cater for users who wants a quick way to pre-populate a set of determined values to the fields of a respective template.

As of today, you can:

  • pre-populate a single transferable record document.
  • pre-populate multiple verifiable documents.

Example of a data file (bill of lading)

"data": {
"blNumber": "123",
"scac": "987",
"carrierName": "Demo Carrier",
"shipper": {
"name": "Demo Shipper",
"address": {
"street": "One North",
"country": "Singapore"
"consignee": {
"name": "Demo Consignee"
"notifyParty": {
"name": "Demo Notify"
"vessel": "1",
"voyageNo": "100",
"portOfLoading": "Singapore Port",
"portOfDischarge": "China Port",
"placeOfReceipt": "Beijing",
"placeOfDelivery": "Singapore",
"packages": [
"description": "Green Apples",
"weight": "20",
"measurement": "100"
"ownership": {
"beneficiaryAddress": "0xa61b056da0084a5f391ec137583073096880c2e3",
"holderAddress": "0xa61b056da0084a5f391ec137583073096880c2e3"