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Version: 5.x


For this particular document, we will go through the many actions that various parties will be allowed to do in a typical title transfer flow. In order to demonstrate it properly, we will be setting up some prerequisites before we begin. Note that this is not intended to be a tutorial, but just a demonstration of the various capabilities of each state change of the transferable record.

For this demonstration we will have 3 players.

  1. Alice
  2. Bob
  3. Charlie

We will assume that the transferable record has already been issued by a token registry, and the present state of the transferable record is as follows: (holder: Alice, owner: Alice), in words, this means that the transferable record is held and owned by Alice

With all the prerequisites ready, we will then proceed on with the actions of the title transfer.

Note that we will be using token/transferable record interchangeably at times.

Order of actions to be done for this demonstration:

  • endorse change of ownership
  • change holder
  • nominate change of ownership
  • endorse transfer of ownership

At each action done, we will state the present state of the token, and the respective actions the players can do with the given present state.

Endorse Change of Ownership

Present state:

The token belongs to Alice (both owner and holder are the address of Alice)


  1. Alice:
    • change holder
    • endorse
    • surrender document
  2. Bob:
    • no access
  3. Charlie:
    • no access

We will do endorse change of ownership first.

What this command does is it sets the states (holder and owner) of the token to a given address, in this case we will endorse the change of ownership to Charlie.

tradetrust title-escrow endorse-change-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newOwner <CHARLIE_ADDRESS> --newHolder <CHARLIE_ADDRESS> -n sepolia --key <ALICE_PTE_KEY>

If this transaction is mined and successful, the state of the transferable record will be different.

Change Holder

The next action we will demonstrate is change holder, but first, the present states and actions.

Present state:

The token belongs to Charlie (both owner and holder are the address of Charlie)


  1. Alice:
    • no access
  2. Bob:
    • no access
  3. Charlie:
    • change holder
    • endorse change of ownership
    • surrender document

Now we will do the change holder command.

What this command does is it just sets the holder state to a new address.

In this case we will set the holder state to Bob, owner state remains as Charlie address

tradetrust title-escrow change-holder --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --to <TO> -n sepolia --key <CHARLIE_PTE_KEY>

Do take note that the private key supplied should be that of Charlie instead of Alice since Charlie currently holds and owns the token.

If this command is successful, we will yet again advance the state of the token.

Nominate Change of Ownership

Present state:

The token is held by Bob, token is owned by Charlie


  1. Alice:
    • no access
  2. Bob:
    • change holder
  3. Charlie:
    • nominate change of ownership

Next, we will do nominate change of ownership as we have already demonstrated change holder.

What this command does is to allow Charlie, the current owner, to suggest a new owner of the token.

In this case we will suggest Alice to be the new owner.

Does this lead to any change in state (holder, owner)? The answer is no, not yet.

tradetrust title-escrow nominate-change-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --newOwner <NEW_OWNER_ADDRESS> -n sepolia --key <CHARLIE_PTE_KEY>

If this action is successful, then an additional action should be present on Bob.

Endorse Transfer of Ownership

Present state:

The token is held by Bob, token is owned by Charlie, no change in state from previous action.


  1. Alice:
    • no access
  2. Bob:
    • change holder
    • endorse transfer of ownership
  3. Charlie:
    • nominate change of ownership

Notice that Bob actions have increased, it can now endorse the suggested owner from the previous action.

That is what we will do, and we will now perform endorse transfer of ownership.

What the command does is that it allows Bob to allow and complete the nominated change of ownership from Charlie to Alice.

tradetrust title-escrow endorse-transfer-owner --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> -n sepolia --key <BOB_PTE_KEY>

Final Action of Demonstration

Present state:

The token is held by Bob, token is owned by Alice


  1. Alice:
    • nominate change of ownership
  2. Bob:
    • change holder
  3. Charlie:
    • no access

If the prev command worked as intended, then the new owner state of the token will be Alice.

we will wrap up this demonstration by changing the holder to Alice so we will come full circle.

tradetrust title-escrow change-holder --token-registry <TOKEN_REGISTRY_ADDRESS> --tokenId <TOKEN_ID> --to <TO> -n sepolia --key <BOB_PTE_KEY>

Final State:

The token is held by Alice, the token is owned by Alice.


In this demonstration, we have simulated a Title Transfer between 3 parties, going through each state change and the actions that could happen with each different state of the token.

This demonstration does not cover any surrender actions that could happen and it should be covered in an upcoming document.